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Transport current improvements of in situ MgB2 tapes by the addition of carbon nanotubes, silicon carbide or graphite




Author(s): Kovac, P. and Husek, I. and Skakalova, V. and Meyer, J. and Dobrocka, E. and Hirscher, M. and Roth, S.
Journal: {Superconductor Science and Technology}
Volume: 20
Pages: 105--111
Year: 2007

Department(s): Moderne Magnetische Systeme
Bibtex Type: Article (article)

DOI: 0953-2048/07/010105
Language: eng


  title = {{Transport current improvements of in situ MgB2 tapes by the addition of carbon nanotubes, silicon carbide or graphite}},
  author = {Kovac, P. and Husek, I. and Skakalova, V. and Meyer, J. and Dobrocka, E. and Hirscher, M. and Roth, S.},
  journal = {{Superconductor Science and Technology}},
  volume = {20},
  pages = {105--111},
  year = {2007},
  doi = {0953-2048/07/010105}