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Faceting of \Sigma3 and \Sigma9 grain boundaries in Cu-Bi alloys




Author(s): Straumal, B. B. and Polyakov, S. A. and Bischoff, E. and Gust, W. and Baretzky, B.
Journal: {Acta Materialia}
Volume: 53
Number (issue): 2
Pages: 247--254
Year: 2005

Department(s): Moderne Magnetische Systeme
Bibtex Type: Article (article)

Language: eng


  title = {{Faceting of $\Sigma$3 and $\Sigma$9 grain boundaries in Cu-Bi alloys}},
  author = {Straumal, B. B. and Polyakov, S. A. and Bischoff, E. and Gust, W. and Baretzky, B.},
  journal = {{Acta Materialia}},
  volume = {53},
  number = {2},
  pages = {247--254},
  year = {2005},
  doi = {}